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HALLE (Saale)
 Saxony-Anhalt . Germany

Halle (Saale) Tram Network Map © R. Schwandl


Halle (Saale) - approx. 233,000 inh.; in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, 30 km west of Leipzig. Halle has a 20 km, U-shaped S-Bahn service (S7) on mainline tracks, with an underground station at Halle-Neustadt. Halle is linked to Leipzig via S-Bahn lines S3 and S5X.

- network length approx. 53 km (+ approx. 21.5 km interurban line 5)
- 11 lines (in Halle) with basic 15-minute headway
- lines 9/10 are operated jointly
- south of Ammendorf, line 5 continues to Merseburg and Bad Dürrenberg (total length from Heide to Bad Dürrenberg 30.8 km) as an interurban tramway (every 30 minutes), line 15 only operates within Merseburg
- 1000 mm gauge
- rolling stock: modernised CKD Tatra T4D-C + B4D-C (trailers); DUEWAG/Siemens MGT6D (1996); Bombardier MGT-K (2004)


 Recent History

1999: Rennbahnkreuz - S-Bahnhof Neustadt
2000: S-Bahnhof Neustadt - Eselsmühle
2002: Eselsmühle - Göttinger Bogen
2003: Eselsmühle - Soltauer Straße
2003: Saline - Glauchaer Platz - Franckeplatz
2005: Riebeckplatz - Hauptbahnhof - Pfännerhöhe (diverted route)
2006: Franckeplatz - Leipziger Turm - Riebeckplatz
2007: Heide - Kröllwitz
15-07-2012: Fiete-Schulz-Str. - Büschdorf
17-09-2021: Bad Dürrenberg Bf - Bad Dürrenberg Markt (200 m)



Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram Halle (Saale) Tram

 Our books about Urban Rail in Germany

Tram Atlas DeutschlandRobert Schwandl:


- 06/2024, Berlin, ISBN 978 3 836573 74 9

- Detailed colour maps for more than 50 German tramway cities, illustrated with numerous photos

- Text German and English

- More details

Schnellbahnen in Deutschland/Metros in GermanyRobert Schwandl:

U-Bahnen in Deutschland

+ U-Stadtbahnen

- Feb 2019, Berlin, ISBN 978 3 836573 57 2

- Anything you need to know about German metro and light rail systems with underground sections, with detailed maps and hundreds of colour photos; 160 pages; Text German and English - More details


 Official Websites

Hallesche Verkehrs-AG

Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (MDV)

 Other Links

Straßenbahn Halle

Hallesche Straßenbahnfreunde e.V.

Hallesches Verkehrs AG at Wikipedia.de

Halle-Neustadt - Underground S-Bahn station




2007 © Robert Schwandl - UrbanRail.Net
