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Almaty Metro Map


Almaty (Alma Ata) has about 1.4 million inhabitants and used to be the capital of Kazakhstan before the government moved to Astana in 1997.

Construction of the first metro line began in 1988, but was suspended after the dissolution of the former Soviet Union.

The section of line 1 finally opened in 2011 was 7.6 km and included 7 stations. The eastern part of the line runs north-south below Ul. Furmanova, and then turns west along Prospekt Abaya. Four out of seven stations are deep-level. In 2022, the metro line has reached a total length of 13.4 km.

The line is operated with seven 4-car trains, produced by Hyundai Rotem of South Korea.



01 Dec 2011: Raiymbek Batyr - Alatau (7.6 km)
18 Apr 2015: Alatau - Moskva (2.7 km)
30 May 2022: Moskva - Bauyrzhan Momyshuly (3.1 km)


Raiymbek Batyr:

Raiymbek Batyr Raiymbek Batyr

Zhibek Zholy:

Zhibek Zholy Zhibek Zholy Zhibek Zholy


Almaly Almaly


Abay Abay Abay


Baykonur Baykonur Baykonur

Dramteatr im. Auezova:

Dramteatr im. Auezova Dramteatr im. Auezova


Alatau Alatau

Metro Almaty




Saryarka station Saryarka station Saryarka station

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly:

Photos © Maxim Golbrayht (except where indicated)


Almaty Metro (Official Site)

Almaty Metro (Official Site 2)

Almaty Metro at Wikipedia (then click Russian version for more details)

Almatinskoye Metro

Article in Kontinent (Svet v konce tunnelya)

Station layout

Almaty Metro Track Map by Vladislav Prudnikov




2007 © Robert Schwandl (UrbanRail.Net)