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Jerusalem Tram Map


Jerusalem, capital of Israel, 780,000 inh.

Tram (Light Rail):

Red Line (free regular service)

- operated by Citypass (Veolia Transdev) until April 2021, now by Cfir (CAF/Shapir Engineering Ltd)
- 1435 mm gauge
- opened 19 Aug 2011: Mount Herzl Heil Ha-Avir (13.4 km)
27 Feb 2025: Mount Herzl – Hadassah Ein Kerem (4.9 km) & Heil Ha-Avir – Neve Ya'akov North (2.0 km)

Rolling stock: 46 Alstom Citadis 302; CAF is supplying 114 Urbos trams

Under construction: Green Line (22 km), from the Gilo district in the south to Mount Scopus in the north with branches to Malha in the south and Givat Shaul (Har Nof) in the west (2024).

Planned: Blue Line (20 km), from Gilo to Ramat-Eshkol and Ramot in the north, with branches from Geula to Ramat-Eshkol and from Khan to Malha in the south (2030).

Tram Atlas North Africa & Middle EastB Bernhard Kußmagk & Robert Schwandl:


128 pages, approx. 150 colour images
detailed network maps
Text deutsch/English
ISBN 978-3-936573-82-4, EUR 19.50

April /2025

More info and sample pages

Jerusalem Tram Jerusalem Tram Jerusalem Tram Jerusalem Tram Jerusalem Tram Jerusalem Tram

Light Rail (Cfir - Official Site)

Ministry of Transportation - Light Rail

Green Line Project

Blue Line Project

Jerusalem Light Rail at Wikipedia

Jerusalem lighht rail tram Jerusalem lighht rail tram
Fotos: Bernhard Kußmagk's collection


2011 © UrbanRail.Net by Robert Schwandl.